God Is Watching Over To Cleanse Our Hearts From All Sin

One of my requests to the Lord during this quarantine period of coronavirus is that He would reveal any hidden sins in my heart, which needed to be confessed and repented of. I say, “hidden,” because often, the heart being deceitful as it is, we are blinded to our own sins, and truly need the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal those sins in order for us to be free and clean before our God.

I have come to love the way the Holy Spirit works in His sovereignty to make known the truth of God to His children! Last night just as I was about to lie down to sleep, and I might add, feeling pretty good about my obedience during the day, suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart to show me a sin which had alluded my consciousness until now. That sin was voiced to my heart in the verse from Philippians 2:14, Do ALL things without murmurings or disputings, or from another translation, without grumbling or arguing. 

Oh, my! I was smitten, because I could think of several times during the day when I had murmured or disputed… or even grumbled! And it wasn’t even over anything of much importance. I could only confess and repent, and recognize how that looks to the Lord who made us and gives us all things to enjoy. As I lay to sleep, I kept tossing over in my mind that sin which I had freely participated in, but had given NO thought to it until the Holy Spirit showed me my heart. I felt deeply repentant, but at the same time grateful. The gratefulness stems from recognizing that it is the overwhelming love of God, which moves Him to show us our sins, because He knows how desperately our hearts need the cleansing of every sin to be able to fully enjoy the life of His Spirit within us. Father, thank you for watching over us to cleanse our hearts and make us pure before you!

By Mary Fawcett

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