The book of Psalms is full of the chronicles of how God watched over His people Israel, over and over again with infinite patience, in spite of their rebellion and idolatrous actions. We are told in 1 Samuel 15:23 that… ”Rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.”
Posted on August 02, 2021
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In reading through Psalm 89, I was struck with the forceful way in with which the Lord spoke of His covenant with David. He puts it like this:
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Just the other night when I was half awake and half asleep, I began to meditate on Jesus’ first miracle after He had been revealed as the Son of God… the wedding in Cana of Galilee.
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I love the Psalms because they articulate so well every human emotion and pain that can be felt. In Psalm 77, the writer, Asaph, is recorded as saying this: “I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands, and my soul refused to be comforted… You kept my eyes from closing, I was too troubled to speak.”
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Recently in reading through the book of Psalms, I have noted that many times our God is described as our refuge and our fortress. Both of these words have a definite connotation for me, of a place of safety.
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I cannot think of a single human being, who is honest to any degree, declaring that he or she has never or does never sin. Sin is endemic to the human race, since Adam first disobeyed God and became controlled no longer by God’s law, but controlled by his own sinful passions and defeats.
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Recently a family member was in the hospital literally battling for life. During one night, he had an unexpected bout with atrial fibrillation, which went on for over an hour. The doctor on call on the floor was contacted, and he ordered a drug, which ALWAYS has an adverse affect on my family member.
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My mother tells a story of when she was very young, on her way to Africa as a missionary with her husband and 18 month old firstborn daughter. This was before America was at war in World War II, but because the ship they, and the other 120 plus missionaries were sailing on, had been a troop ship in World War I, its silhouette made it a target for the German navy.
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We are living in a strange time of history, 2020, when the coronavirus has engulfed the whole world, bringing with it dismay, distancing, and in some cases despair. We are dismayed because no one really knows enough about this virus to tell us the truth.
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Sometime in the very early morning hours of the day, I lay awake thinking about what it means to encourage our hearts, or to be encouraged, and the difference between encouragement and discouragement… my thoughts led to remembering the verses in 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, where we have this stunning declaration that our God is the God of ETERNAL ENCOURAGEMENT!
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Today I was invited to participate in an online meeting in which a very dear friend had been invited to give her testimony of her spiritual journey, and all that God has done and continues to do in her life.
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One of my requests to the Lord during this quarantine period of coronavirus is that He would reveal any hidden sins in my heart, which needed to be confessed and repented of. I say, “hidden,” because often, the heart being deceitful as it is, we are blinded to our own sins, and truly need the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal those sins in order for us to be free and clean before our God.
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